Our Partners
Our partners include an innovative mix of academia, teacher training institutions, and civil society organizations with extensive experience in teacher education, inclusive education, curriculum development, educational leadership, and assessment.

Faculty of Educational Sciences at University of Helsinki runs versatile research-based teacher education programmes and ranks number 24 in the QS World University Ranking (2023). The faculty is known for conducting multidisciplinary and wide-ranging pedagogical research and is recognized as a hub for educational experts, fostering innovative practices and contributing to global discussions on effective teaching and learning methods.

Professional Teacher Education Programme at Häme University of Applied Sciences (link) conducts high-level education, research and development in education. HAMK has long experience in delivering technical assistance in projects by several development financing institutions (IBRD, IDB, EU, UNIDO), and has a strong presence in the education sector projects funded by MFA instruments in Nepal since 2013.

FCA works globally on teacher education, improving learning quality, and outcomes. In Nepal, FCA focuses on supporting the rights of marginalized women and children and provides expertise in education, gender issues, and climate resilience.