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Our Values

A man holding a TECSES sign and laughing.

Research and expertise-based development

TECSES is implemented by HY+, a company fully owned by the University of Helsinki that offers continuing education and development services. University of Helsinki is Finland’s oldest, largest, and highest-ranking academic institution.

TECSES works with professionals in the field of education and inclusivity both from Nepal and Finland.

Human rights at the heart of TECSES

TECSES follows a human rights-based approach (HRBA) to development, making   human rights the foundation of all its operations – including planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Therefore, principles like equality, non-discrimination, participation, and inclusion are both the foundation and purpose of TECSES.

Systematic integration of human rights enhances capacities of rights-holders and duty-bearers, supports vulnerable groups, increases accountability, and leads to sustainable change.

Human rights are central to TECSES, promoting social inclusion by ensuring equal participation, fair access to resources, and respectful treatment for all. 

Promoting sustainable cooperation

Long-standing and impactful results are only possible when development is based on true partnership, ownership and concrete solutions.

TECSES works in close collaboration with rights-holders to assess needs, set up joint goals, and criteria for results in a participatory manner.

TECSES is committed to providing practical tools and resources tailored to the Nepali context to enhance teacher education, paving the way for sustainable development for future generations.

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This website was developed with financial support from the European Union and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. The content is solely the responsibility of TECSES and does not necessarily represent the views of the European Union or the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.
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